
Old Hollywood Couples: Actresses Who Have Dated Their Co-Stars

Old Hollywood Couples: Actresses Who Have Dated Their Co-Stars

Relationships on-screen are thrilling to root for, but what about the love that blossoms behind the scenes? In Old Hollywood, love stories between co-stars were all too common on the red carpets and they often ended in messy divorces (from either end) or unplanned children. But as harmful as some of these relationships and affairs were, it’s hard not to get invested in the juicy details between these actors.

Whether you’re a fan of classic Hollywood films or you just love to get the inside scoop, these Old Hollywood love affairs are as exciting as watching them occur on-screen.

1. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton


Taylor, while a world-renowned actress, was equally known for her many love affairs and husbands. These future lovers first met on the set of the 1963 film, Cleopatra, which saw Taylor portray the Queen of Egypt while Burton was Mark Antony. According to the famed actress, Burton approached her with the rather lame pickup line, “Has anybody ever told you that you’re a very pretty girl?” Given that Taylor was a major movie star and considered to be one of the most beautiful actresses at the time, she wasn’t much affected by the moment.

It wasn’t until their first scene together that Taylor finally fell for Burton. The two began a tumultuous love affair not long after, even though both stars were married — Taylor to Eddie Fisher (whom she’d stolen from her best friend, Debbie Reynolds) and Burton to Sybil Burton. The stars eventually left their partners for each other, marking the beginning of a torrid relationship.

2. Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy


Hepburn and Tracy first met on the set of Woman of the Year in 1942, which they starred in as a pair of journalists who fall in love. The actors fell in love in real life, too, but kept their relationship a secret for nearly two decades. Although it was known about in Hollywood, Tracy was a devout Catholic who was married and knew divorce was not an option.

Tracy never acknowledged his relationship with Hepburn, which only fueled the rumors. He also remained married to his wife, Louise Treadwell, until his death in 1967. Hepburn didn’t publicly acknowledge their affair until after the death of Tracy’s wife in 1983.

3. Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart


These major movie stars met on the set of To Have and To Have Not in 1943. Bogart, then age 44, was married to Mayo Methot when he met the 19-year-old Bacall. Although Bacall was not very interested in Bogart at first, eventually they fell hard for each other. The two began dating in secret while Bogart awaited his divorce from Methot.

Bacall and Bogart eventually married in 1945, shortly after the actor’s divorce. They had two children together — Stephen and Leslie Bogart — in 1949 and 1952, respectively. Bacall and Bogart continued to star in films together, including The Big Sleep (1946) and Key Largo (1948). The couple remained together until Bogart’s untimely death in 1957 at the age of 57.

4. Sophia Loren and Cary Grant


Like all love affairs, it starts with a first glance. Loren and Grant initially met on the set of the 1957 movie The Pride and the Passion, when Grant was 53 and Loren was 23. Loren was involved with her future husband, Carlo Ponti, at the time and Grant was onto his third marriage, this one with Betsy Drake.

Loren wrote in her 2014 memoir, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: My Life, “When I finally saw Cary’s unmistakable profile at the door, I thought I’d faint… He looked as though he’d just stepped down from the screen: a dream come true.” While Loren eventually chose Ponti and Grant went on to marry twice more, the two remained entangled for many years.

5. Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini

While Bergman admired Rossellini long before meeting him on the set of the 1950 movie Stromboli, the two didn’t begin their affair until then. Both were married — Bergman to Petter Lindström and Rossellini to Marcella De Marchis — but that didn’t stop their blossoming love.

Bergman had Rossellini’s child days before finalizing her divorce from Lindström and even went on to marry him. The couple had two more children together before eventually divorcing in 1957.

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元「めちゃいけ」メンバーの三中元勝さんが、番組からの卒業に至る経緯やその後の活動について、注目が集まっています。彼は2010年、フジテレビの人気番組「めちゃめちゃいけてる」の新メンバーオーディションで唯一の素人として合格し、「三ちゃん」として知られるようになりました。しかし、彼の在籍期間中には数々のトラブルが発生しました。 特に、プロレス企画において二度も道場から逃げ出したことが大きな問題となり、視聴者からの批判を浴びる結果となりました。この企画は番組の名物でもあり、ファンは三中さんの成長を期待していましたが、彼の逃走はプロジェクトを頓挫させ、番組側にも多大な損失を与えることになりました。 また、番組内での態度も問題視され、靴紐を結んでもらった際には感謝の言葉もなく、岡村隆史さんから注意を受ける場面もありました。視聴者は、彼の態度に不満を抱き、次第にイメージが悪化していきました。加えて、彼が高校時代の同級生とコンビを結成し、吉本工業のオーディションを受けたことも、番組側との信頼関係を損なう要因となりました。 2016年、最終的に国民投票で不合格となり、番組を卒業することに。卒業後、彼には逮捕の噂が立つも、実際には腰を骨折し活動を休止していたことが真相です。現在、彼は吉本の芸人として活動しながら、YouTubeチャンネルを開設し、特撮作品の制作にも挑戦しています。 三中元勝さんのキャリアは波乱に満ちていますが、彼の今後の活躍に期待が寄せられています。


元フジテレビの人気番組「めちゃめちゃいけてる(通称:めちゃイケ)」のメンバー、三中元勝(通称:三ちゃん)が番組を辞めた理由とその後の動向が再び注目を集めています。三中さんは2011年に素人枠としてオーディションに合格し、番組の一員として活躍しましたが、約5年後に番組を卒業することとなりました。 彼が問題視された理由の一つは、プロレス企画での逃げ出し行動です。過酷な練習に耐えかね、2度も道場から逃げ出したことで多くの批判を受けました。また、番組内でのスタッフへの態度も問題視され、特に靴紐を結んでもらった際に感謝の言葉を述べなかったことが大きな反響を呼びました。岡村隆史さんからも注意を受ける場面がありましたが、改善の兆しは見られなかったと言います。 さらに、三中さんはプロレス企画の進行中に高校時代の同級生とお笑いコンビを結成するなど、番組側への配慮を欠いた行動を取り、結果的に視聴者投票で不合格となり、2016年2月に「卒業」することになりました。 その後は芸人として活動を続けているものの、腰を骨折するなどの影響で思うように進んでいないようです。また、特撮制作にも挑戦しており、独自の作品を手掛けるなど新たな道を模索しています。YouTubeチャンネルを開設し、当時の裏話を語ることで再び注目を浴びる機会も増えています。 三中さんの姿勢や活動は賛否が分かれますが、彼のキャラクターや「めちゃイケ」での存在感は今も多くの人々の記憶に残っています。今後の活動がどのように発展していくのか、引き続き注目が必要です。

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