What Is Hot Cupping: The Treatment Anthony Joshua is Undergoing

Anthony Joshua, the British boxing sensation, is preparing for his next fight, but the manner in which he’s doing it has got fans of his wincing. The 34-year-old…

Iraq War Veteran Recovers After Losing Arms and Legs

Brendan Marrocco is first to survive such combat injuries in Iraq or Afghanistan. WASHINGTON | Brendan Marrocco and his brother, Michael, were constructing a summer bucket list, to…

Two Ukrainian soldiers in Malta for prosthetic treatment – Newsbook

They are in Malta on an amputee rehabilitation programme Vitaly Tarusin, 32, and Andriy Konovalov, 45, stood to greet a media contingent that went to meet them at…

“Climbing mountains without legs, Hugh Herr proves that nothing is impossible.”

When Hugh Herr lost both of his legs — from just below the knees on down — in a rock-climbing accident at age 17, he feared he’d never…

Honouring Sergeant First Class Elizabeth Marks

Last night, Sergeant First Class Elizabeth Marks received the prestigious Military Times Soldier of the Year Award – a testament to her unwavering dedication, exceptional bravery, and outstanding…

Ukrainian soldiers benefit from U.S. prosthetics expertise but their war is different

Oleksandr Fedun had been in the Ukrainian army for two years when he got hit last May. “The enemy reconnaissance did their job and they mined the roads,”…

A Wounded Soldier Stands Tall At Reunion With His Platoon

U.S. Army Spc. Tyler Jeffries spent most of last year in Afghanistan, on dusty, hot patrols in the villages outside Kandahar. Last fall, on Oct. 6, his tour…

Hero soldier who stood on land mine in Afghanistan and lost his leg reveals: “It didn’t hurt at the time”

Extraordinary story of what it’s really like to be blown up by a land mine as a new film Mine staring Armie Hammer is released On September 6,…

🫡 ❤️ 🇺🇸 Please don’t swip up without giving some love ❤️ Without heroes,we are all plain people,and don’t know how far we can go

Major Edward Pulido is an award-winning veteran who served on the U.S. Army Military Assistance Training Team under the command of General David Petraeus. On August 17, 2004,…

Triple amputee describes NYE Taliban attack to teach teens to toughen up

His objective is to turn the ‘Snowflake Generation’ into Generation R – hardy teenagers with the ­resilience to tackle anything Stood before a rapt audience of teenage school…