Like many other Bollywood celebs, Priyanka Chopra also celebrated the festival of Christmas with her near and dear ones. On December 27, she took to her social media and posted adorable glimpses of the festivities that were enough to leave anyone gushing over the cute family.
Priyanka Chopra’s photo dump on her Instagram account opened with an image of all the people who were part of the merriment. Dressed in matching pajama sets complete with red Santa caps, all of them smiled at the camera. While PeeCee took center stage, she was joined by her husband Nick Jonas, and daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas.
In the following images, we see all of them having a gala time building playhouses and swinging with the kids in the backyard. Evidently, little Malti had a blast with a blast opening presents and playing with other kids. It was followed by a group selfie that showcased most of the guests, including the Indian actress, wearing sheet masks and playing ludo.
The American singer also made sure to spend some quality time with their daughter before getting her to sleep. Sharing the photos, the global icon wrote, “It was so wonderful being home this Christmas. May we all always be surrounded by love and loved ones. Merry Christmas to all who celebrated this beautiful holiday.”
Take a look:
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actress is all set to make a return to the Indian Film Industry. Pinkvilla recently reported that she will be joining hands with director SS Rajamouli for his next Pan World Jungle Adventure.
An industry insider exclusively told us, “The film is in the final stages of writing, and is all set to go on floors in April 2025. SS Rajamouli was looking for a female lead with global presence, and who better than Priyanka to play the lead role. The filmmaker had multiple meetings with PC over the last 6 months, and the energies have aligned for both the stakeholders.”
The source further added that The Sky Is Pink actress is excited to collaborate with SS Rajamouli and Mahesh Babu to create an adventure like never before. “It’s an unchartered territory for her as well, and the character has scope for a lot of action along with the leading man – Mahesh Babu. It’s a well-crafted role, and Priyanka has already started her prep for the film,” added the source