Priyanka Chopra never fails to impress fans with her stunning pictures. The star posed for a rather risque magazine photoshoot recently, and she shared the photos on social media. Her fans couldn’t stop themselves from calling the actor ‘just wow’. Priyanka Chopra also shared the story behind the shoot. She wrote on Instagram, “POV: You see the beautiful Santa Monica Mountains in Topanga, on a particularly hot day, and everything around was in full bloom (thanks to the crazy rain this year in SoCal 😋) That’s the story behind the pictures we shot for @thezoereport 💕 😉 Story link in bio. 📷: @laurendukoff.”
Her singer husband Nick Jonas reacted to the pictures with a smiling face with heart-eyes emoji.
See Priyanka Chopra’s latest photos:
A few fans called the photoshoot one of Priyanka’s bests. “OMG…gorgeous ❤️”, one person commented, while another wrote, “POV : you see your Desi Girl crushing it globally!! 😍😍.” Other than the photos, a BTS video and some clips from her interview have also been shared online.
While talking to the magazine, Chopra Jonas was asked how she is balancing multiple roles in her personal life of a new mother and supportive wife. Priyanka shared that she doesn’t shy away from a challenge, and said, “I’m not one to sit in the sh*t. If I’m stuck in the sh*t, I will figure out a way of crawling out of it.”
Priyanka also shared, “I’m hoping to find parts that give me the ability to lose myself and actually become my character, because that’s what I do.”